Coaching and Development workshops

Great Minds organizes and interactive workshop events at Joki.

Visitor and Innovation Center Joki is closed 1.7. - 4.8.2024.

Make sure your event reaches its goals

Do you want to gain new customers, ideas and cooperation partners thanks to the event? After the event, do you hope that your network cooperates better than ever and plans for the future of your business become concrete actions?

Take advantage of a professional facilitator in planning and carrying through the event. The facilitator helps you in setting down clear goals for the event. With the goals as a basis, the event is planned and carried out in a way that allows you to achieve them, both in terms of contents and atmosphere.

The facilitation services in Joki are provided by Great Minds, a Turku Science Park based company boasting years of experience in planning and operating various business events and enabling goals to be achieved.

Planning an event

Plan an event together with a facilitator.

Take advantage of the facilitator’s help in planning the event. Together you shape goals for the event and figure out the means to achieve them. Your task is to carry through the event in accordance with the plan.

Price from 500 € + VAT 24 %

Facilitating a short event

Let a facilitator plan and facilitate the event.

The facilitator, together with you, plans an event that achieves its goals. Furthermore, the facilitator carries through the event making use of various methods and tools. You can focus on the participants and participating yourself.

Price from 1200 € + VAT 24 %

Facilitating a whole day

A facilitator tailors and carries through the day to meet your specific needs.

Depending on your goals, the day can contain talks, working together, networking or a hackathon-like contest, all while not forgetting digital tools.

Price from 2000 € + VAT 24 %