Safety instructions in Visitor and Innovation Centre Joki

We welcome you to Joki and hope to ensure that your visit here is completely safe. Below you can find information and instructions that protect you and others during your visit in Joki.

  • We recommend using hand sanitizer or washing your hands with soap after entering, visiting a toilet, sneezing, coughing and blowing your nose. Hand sanitizer can be found in all of Joki’s premises and entrances. 
  • We recommend using a face mask while visiting Joki’s premises. Our personnel uses face masks in all customer service situations. 
  • Please keep a safe distance to other visitors. 
  • Please visit Joki only if you are healthy. 

Joki follows the up-to-date instructions issued by authorities, and events are always organized following the current instructions and restrictions. If you have any questiong during your stay, our staff will assist and guide you in all matters.

Further information on transmission of and protection from the coronavirus can be found in the Finnish institute for health and welfare website.

We thank you for your understanding!